"The performance was fun, moving, interactive and challenging...what Picture the Difference brought to us was a real life experience and exploration of the experiences of young people with additional needs in society."
Lisa Shepherd, Drama therapist & Lecturer in Education, Northampton University

I first saw Picture the Difference at Kettfest. What an amazing group of young people. So talented, so full of energy. A very emotional production, performed to perfection!"
Jayne King (Autistic Children Embraced Support Group).

"PtD fills a gap in our community, creating opportunities to develop new skills, show people what our young people and adults with additional needs can really do and ensure there is a safe, fun, creative space that extends past SEND school age! Plus I look forward to seeing every amazing project they do."
David Loyd-Hearn (NHS Commissioner)

“Lost & Found” was an amazing project. The young people involved were encouraged to share their own experiences and developed a piece of drama that showed a depth of understanding and empathy that brought a fresh focus to dementia. It made all who saw the piece think in new ways about the way the loss of a loved one affects family, friends and the wider community. They were superb!”
Ann M (audience member)